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À vendre à la côte belge
For sale at the belgian coast
Te koop aan de belgische kust
Villa 686 - Sunparks
Oostduinkerke - Nieuport


What is more enjoyable than spending a holiday atn the coast in a typical fisherhouse in Koksijde?
The living room and kitchen help you to plunge immediately into a family atmosphere.
That house of fishermen (Vissershuis 686) is on and with 2755 sq ft:
- Two bedrooms on the ground floor,
   one with a bed for 2 people (with duvet and pillows),
   one with twin bunk beds (with duvets and pillows),
- a bathroom on the ground floor (bath, shower attachment, washbasin and toilet),
- a living room on the ground floor,
- a newly fitted kitchen,
- and a mezzanine (ie floor of a half-open) which overlooks the living room.
   That loft also has twin but not bunk beds (with duvets and pillows).

Including a place reserved in the parking lot (marked 982).
The large terrace and large garden, well oriented to the sun, do make these holidays more attractive.
   Your privacy is safeguarded by the hedge of trees surrounding the garden.
   No traffic on the side passage (quiet place).
   You can park on the ground.

The kitchen has a dishwasher, four ring electric cooker, a coffee maker, a microwave and two fridges.
In the living room you will find a flat screen TV, DVD player, radio cassette with CD player.

Are also available in the website SunParks activities such as subtropical swimming pool, outdoor swimming pool, sauna, jacuzzi, children's pool, tennis court, mini golf, playground for children ...
The purchase of the house entitles you to 96 free per year to the pool and a 20% discount on other paid activities entries.
possible contact: +32 65 43 00 53 or

by ( cuy.be )
see also :
* homepage villa 686 to sell in Sunparks, Oostduinkerke ;
* characteristics and description ;
* site plan and location of the villa and parking ;
* desired price ;


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